Welcome to Laurier!!
For more information, check out the Guidance site at http://bit.ly/swlguidance and go to the Grade 8 & September 2024 Information!
French Immersion information: http://bit.ly/LaurierFI (site)
Special Education information: http://bit.ly/swlspeced (site)
Welcome to Ramland! (video)
Laurier Grade 8 Course Selection book (PDF)
What's at Laurier? (site)
In Grade 9, there is an option to register for the Thames Valley HELP program that runs out of Laurier in Grade 10 -- it's a multi-credit environmental program through our London Environmental Education Centre.
It's a Head, Heart and Hands approach to the Environmental Leaders' Project.
Check it out! Information is here: https://sites.google.com/gotvdsb.ca/help/
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